Mr.Ruste    02 Oct 2015

Well hell its been a long time

Well, it has been a long time. Ive been through hell almost while trying to hang in there dealing with the car accident injury still and it sucks. I'm tired of being in pain everyday. I wasn't in this amount of pain ever. Especially back issues. But I'm in the process of changing well adding new medications/supplements to try and help dealing with pain everyday but I know things will get better at least I hope so. For those that don't know I was in a car accident back in 2012 where I was hit by a FedEx van going 60 mph while I was parked on the side of the highway (local folks highway 395 outside of Deer Park) with my hazards on sitting in the drivers seat getting ready to call someone for a tow truck and a ride to work. Previous post mentioned it as well. Anyways that is enough of that

Offers and clicks and Atomic Ptc sorry guys I do and going to do my damndest to bring those site back online as you guys with what has gone on has made it hard to manage and pay for my servers and make payout. But I will start slowly paying off some of the debit as soon as possible just in case I'm not able to bring the site back online. It will take longer to review accounts without gui web interface. But I can review the database but it will take time Note my money is tight as well guys I will contact members by there email listed in the db for payment info.

So as previously mentioned I have been planning on adding a bunch of other services but my work is limited at the moment as I had recently started school in which I'm going back for a MBA. I have a Bachelors in Science with a Software Systems Engineering major, but it sucks being injured damn fed EX as I can write code like I would like to. But I have recently started work on a voicemail back up app which I plan on releasing as donation ware. I just barely started work on it so I not sure when I will have the first release done. But I now remote support which I think we have done limited before. I'm also planning a kind of miscellaneous type services in which right now is very limited as we are still panning about how we are going to do this as it is so not in the realm of computers LOL

Anyways, I'm starting to hurt from sitting so I will let you guys go.

Site changes and new features will be added. I will be also open up user registration soon too. Thank for reading.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services