Updates, Paypal, and Randomness

 Mr.Ruste    22 Sept 2019

Hello all you wonderful members of our network, i.e.

Hello all you wonderful members of our network, i.e. Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, OffersAndClick, Rutakus Pixel TE and Team JR pixel ads site. I know it doesn’t look like ma lot of activity on the site but I’m on everyday in the background and backing up the sites. But I’ve been super busy with my other job as the holiday season comes closer. I’m also in the process of getting a loan for my house which is all our office location for PeeTree Ad Network sites (http://www.peetreeadnetwork.com). So as you can see I’m super busy but as soon as things start coming to a close for this house I can start putting a little b it more focus on the sites as well like getting the web layouts/designs done for the each site so they look different and more appealing.

So, the first thing I would like to address and it’s a very hard decision but for right now this is until we know for sure PayPal isn’t going to be stupid. So for now on until we change it otherwise PayPal purchased are disable for Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, & Offers And Clicks. You can still add balance to your accounts but you MUST open a support ticket and we will create an invoice for you. Our refund policy is the same as before see terms of service if you forgot. The biggest reason for this is sites like these PayPal is being very stupid with online earning sites which as some of you who have been doing this for awhile now know a lot of honest business owners or individual people. Though scammers don’t help the situation still there is no excuse for PayPal to freeze and steal people’s money without and reason. The second reason is to prevent return fraud or fraud type transactions as it has become a problem for a lot businesses. We are still going keeping PayPal as withdraw option though we are no longer going to keep a balance in Paypal as much as we can. Funds are from now on transferred to our business bank account for purposes of being able to make more payout options available and to prevent as much of an lose of money if a processor decided to not give us our money. Rutakus Pixel TE will still have PayPal for purchase for the time being until I can add different options to the site, then Rutakus Pixel TE will follow the same rules as Atomic PTC and so on. Team JR pixel site’s (https://pixel.rutakuspixel.com/) PayPal is fully functional. We are also going to offering more options for purchasing outside the norms of our sites. We currently working on adding AirTm for a payment processor and payout option and hopefully soon Skrill. I have a personal Skrill account but that is not going to work with our system. 

Another small bit of news is I’m going to start cleaning out the unverified accounts from the system as they are wasting resources that could be used for active serious earners/users. Users just as any other deleted account can always be restored if not terms of service were violated.

Either way as I’m currently a one-man team here at the moment with big idea and I’m doing the best I can to get things rolling with this being said. I will be having a new staff member here soon to help out as we start to grow. I’m also slowly working on bringing in more advertisers to give you guys more earning options be either way you guys will earn and be paid. Thanks for reading You guys have an awesome day.

Some Network Updates, Bitcoin Payouts

 Mr.Ruste    15 Apr 2019

Well hello members of my network of advertising sites together as one PeeTree Ad Network (http://peetreeadnetwork.com).

Well hello members of my network of advertising sites together as one PeeTree Ad Network (http://peetreeadnetwork.com). I know I haven’t posted anything lately and/or it doesn’t look like there is a whole lot going on. Well beside working another job while trying to make my ideas manifest into something awesome. PeeTree Ad Network which consist of Offers And Click(one site), Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, Rutakus Pixel TE,  and pixel ads/teamjr.org. All are registered trades names under my company Rutakus/Rust of All Trades which is a kind of jack of all trade company that cares. We all have to survive. Also I’m disabled with multiple bulging discs in my spine so my business hires people with disabilities or limitations.

So first I want to discuss a bit an issue with Rutakus Pixel TE. As you guys know parts of the site are secure while others aren’t for reasons like surf in SSL doesn’t display non-secure site depending internet browser. Lately the entire site is secure and I can’t seem to get it to display in the frame. I’m still working on it but I will be moving servers/hosts soon as too many issues with loading and what not. But I’m in the process or making sure all my hosting/server are “green” and sustainable for our environment. I might even change the script as well. But that might change it just depends.

Now I’m also announcing we are offering payouts through Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies/alt-coins but I plan on only open that up once a month. I haven’t thought up a schedule for it yet but I think we might beta test this idea and how it can work. Payout will be what ever the minimum is set to on the site. Right now our paid to click sites are set to $10 and Rutakus Pixel I think set to $30 or $25. I’m in the process of getting Skrill set up for the sites. I have personal Skrill verified so I can accept payment there if you submit a support ticket but not ready for the site. I will be using Coinbase mainly. Either way Paypal will not be the only payout option.

Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/

Please make sure you open a support ticket if you have issues.

Thanks for reading

Long Time No News for Rutakus Pixel TE Feb 2019

 Mr.Ruste    26 Feb 2019

                I know that I haven’t posted any news or any major updates to Rutakus Pixel TE for a bit.

                I know that I haven’t posted any news or any major updates to Rutakus Pixel TE for a bit. I have been kind of busy with my PTC sites in our network and some of the other sites. But I have been slowly getting the setting of Rutakus Pixel TE set to my liking. First, I would like to say that $30 minimum payout will be out highest ever. Right now, I currently have it set $25 as it can be reached as I plan on doing a bunch of contests all this year to increase activity within the site and increase member count. I also plan on explaining, well actually creating an about us page. Also, it would be the time to say that Rutakus Pixel sites (the traffic exchange and our pixel ads page) are part of PeeTree Ad Network and is a registered tradename. Rutakus Pixel is the tradename under my company called Rutakus pronounced Roo-Taku-Us. No meaning just made from my online user name Ru-Kun and Otaku which basically means obsession with anime, manga, video games, and etc. Yes, I the owner am a nerd. Rutakus started as a computer repair business and now it trying to do something new. Anyways, as some or most know there is a referral contest going on now and during this contest I found a user thinking he or she was going to be smart and use my company name from a banner ad. You person, are not very smart and if I need to I can go after you for trade issues and copyright. You will be hearing from me in the next couple of days after a get all details filled out accord to USA and my state’s business laws. I have you IP address and might be in contact with your ISP or find you’re a proxy user All fake accounts are deleted and banned.

                As stated above we have a referral contest going on. Right now, the results are not being displayed. Don’t worry if it comes down to it I can manually count and verify referral as I made a backup before turning on the contest feature for that option. We also have a surf contest going on. Both contests end on 2-28-2019 in a couple days. Like I stated I plan on doing a bunch more contest throughout the year as it will be out first big year for Rutakus Pixel and the rest of my company. I also plan on doing some random rewards as well. Don’t ask when please as I’m currently a one-man team hear trying to build an empire LOL.

                As I had mentioned before I’m working on a about us page for Rutakus Pixel TE. Our supports forums are coming soon which I’m planning on hosting on my main company site just as our wen site news is. I’m also working on some more promotional banners and I’m working on a layout that is mobile friendly or make the site a responsive layout. Anyways, that it for the moment Happy Surfing and thanks for reading.

Updated Our Business License 2019

 Mr.Ruste    09 Feb 2019

So I have been doing a lot of back end work on some of our other site and haven't been doing a lot of updating.

So I have been doing a lot of back end work on some of our other site and haven't been doing a lot of updating. I plan on getting some work done in the coming weeks on the web site and getting the forums back up and running which I had to disable due to a spam issues and some issues with the web site templates at the moment. Anyways, we renewed our business license at the end of Jan 2019. This is the only thing we did we added some new trade names to our business the main one I'm proud of Rust of All Trades which is our process of evolving my idea in to something awesome. I won't go in to details but the idea Rutakus is basically going to be the network and all of the tech stuff. Rust of all Trades is the business it self. We also added PeeTree Ad Network now registered, Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, AND Offers And Clicks. Here is our updated business license: https://cdn.rutakus.net/documents/Business_License2019-endjun.pdf

Updated License: https://cdn.rutakus.net/documents/business-license-renewal-2019-2020.pdf

Thanks for reading.

Our Store on our server now open

 Mr.Ruste    27 Jan 2019

Hello visitors, readers, and customer.

Hello visitors, readers, and customer. Thank you for visiting this news post for the Rutakus/Rust of All Trade company. So, we have done much with Rutakus web site lately as we be busy working on some of our other sites and some of our web site had bee moved to a new server. We actually are planning on moving all of our business web sites over to a new server in the next couple of months. All though we have been kind of working on bring the support forums back but hasn’t be high on our priority list.  I’m going to keep this short. More or less I just want to post and make you all aware that we have opened up our store page on our server. We still will operate our booth on Bonanza but we will have more stuff for sale on our own store that we find is more or a loss selling on third party sites like eBay and Bonanza’s i.e. the fees for selling on those sites. Not counting payment processing fees.

Our new own ran store located on our business server: https://store.rutakus.net/

Please note we are still doing a lot of back end work so if you have a issue please submit a support ticket here: https://support.rutakus.net/

Thanks for reading more updates coming soon.

Welcome to 2019 Big Changes for Rutakus

 Mr.Ruste    22 Jan 2019

So I know I have posted any updates recently as I been putting work on some of our other sites including fixing some issues some other sites.

So I know I have posted any updates recently as I been putting work on some of our other sites including fixing some issues some other sites.  So I have been doing a lot of thinking of how I want this business/brands to grow. How can I do something new with some of the stuff I already am doing? How can I bring new things in and make them work with existing stuff? As I want my company to grow and want to make something that I have built and improved or evolve it.

This being said I would like to first said belated Happy New Years. My other job has me busy as well. But I believe 2019 is going to be a big year for the Rutakus Network in that we are basically kind of changing out main company name but it will still be Rutakus. This jack of all trades thing has been nagging me so I came up with Rust of All Trades. In fact I bought the dot com top level domain name and now http://rustofalltrades.com brings you to the main page on here on Rutakus.net. Right now we offer computer/smartphone repair and other tech services, housecleaning services, software sales, online advertising sales, web hosting, domain name sales, SSL certificate sales and other hosting services. We have some web site templates for sale but not a large amount at this time. I’m working on web site templates to sell soon as well. Landscaping service are coming soon as well. I’m also planning on working with some local trusted business that I have used and would continue to use and maybe an affiliate type of thing so Rust of All Trades / Rutakus can have services available and make money promoting other local businesses and make it easier for my clients/customers to not have to go to other place and search around for reviews and al that other stuff. I think we will be doing app and software development as well I have a couple app ideas I’m going to try and start working on here soon.

So one idea has to do with truly striving to be a sustainable as possible as we know we can’t eliminate our foot print we can do our best to reduce it and promote others to the same as in my 39 years on this planet someone will always try and can make something better. At least in most cases. I’m not ready to go completely public with my full idea yet. But here in my home office and our main location for Rutakus / Rust of All Trades I’m recycling. The house I’m doing my best to upgrade and get things more “green” or environmental friendly house. Home office computers are shut down and not left on all the time. I’m working pretty hard on bring the yard back to a more nicer and greener for bees and what not considering when I got the house in owner contract we had to wait for them to apparently kick meth heads out of this house now I’m in the process of trying to get a loan of the full payment for the house so we can start making the world more greener. This is a special house for the idea but I am planning on building some bumble bee boxes to help save the bumble bee.

Last bit of another idea I wanted to discuss is the idea of actually building a disabled fund for employees when I start being able to hire some with the tax breaks businesses get. As I have my own disability that if I was on disability the other company I work for as well at the moment would be getting that credit. I think that is a deserved credit in my opinion. Anyways, it’s getting late here at the offices of Rutakus / Rust of all Trades. I got to go to bed

Thanks for Reading

Script Upgrade to EvolutionScript 5.5 coming week

 Mr.Ruste    12 Dec 2018

Well, hello members.

Well, hello members. I’m pleased to announce that this week or by next week to the latest I will be doing a script upgrade on our paid to click web sites. First we will be doing Offers And Clicks because we have it in maintenance anyways as we were still in the process of importing the old database into the new code and then we ran across an issue in the front end of the site preventing us from opening up the site. So the plan is to upgrade the site first Then Atomic PTC and lastly Epic PTC. Right now our sites are using EvolutionScript 5.3 and the upgrade with be 5.5 the most recent version. We will post more updates after the script upgrade. Thank for reading.

Important updates Peetree Ad Network

 Mr.Ruste    22 Nov 2018

Well hello vistors and members.

Well hello vistors and members. So as some know but most don’t know who we are and want we do. This part in which we call PeeTree Advertising Network (http://peetreeadnetwork.com) that is part of the company Rutakus. Rutakus started in 2010 as just a computer repair company but has changed over the years in to something more in which we are becoming a true jack of all trades. The PeeTree Ad Network part of our company consists of 3 paid to click sites, one traffic exchange and a pixel type of advertising site. The pixel type of advertising site is a web site we run to help my girlfriend get through college and we only get 3% of the monthly earnings which really isn’t much at the moment. But we would like that to change.

                Two of the paid to click sites we own we owned for a long time. The first one is our very first site that I the owner bought from someone in about 2009 or something, but has been around for a long while and I have had it running on two different versions of aurora gpt script and now runs on EvolutionScript ( http://www.evolutionscript.com/ref/772). The second paid to click site is one I had bought as a turnkey site under the dot info top level domain which I lost after being offline for a major health and personal problems. Now we have the dot com top level domain for Atomic PTC.  We know the previous owner of the dot com top level domain scammed people but it now our brand and we are not scammers and it sad we have to state this. Which leads me to the next web site that has now became part of our network, Epic PTC dot com. Basically, is now our adopted little brother but I found out after words was previous owned by a scammer which is sad because it’s a cool sounding and easy to remember name. The domain was available and I bought it and installed evoscript and got the domain added to my evoscript license which the ultimate (diamond) license latest version). This doesn’t change anything, I want to change that and make it into something awesome as I think ptc (paid to click) is a good thing if done right for all people especially people with disabilities. Lots of scammer messed it up for the honest people. Anyways, there is nothing I can do about the previous owner(s) of Epic PTC. I’m sorry that happened. I know as I’m a clicker myself since 2006 or 2005 started while I was in college to make extra money. I have been scammed many times and I had unfortunately have documented every one of them. Our last site Offers And Clicks is still under maintenance while we finish manually importing the data from old script database. Atomic PTC has imported. So if you have issues with any of your data contact us with proof like screenshots of invoice numbers so we can check all of our data. We have all the database from since we took over the sites on (Atomic PTC/Offers And Clicks). We decided not to import old orders or payouts as my OCD won’t allow for the funny looking and messed up front end as the importing doesn’t look right. So if you by chance need info for whatever reason (taxes or business purposes) we can try and provide the info as best as possible.

Our PTC sites

Atomic PTC: https://www.atomicptc.com

Epic PTC: https://www.epicptc.info

Offers And Clicks: https://www.offersandclicks.com

                Last site is our traffic exchange called Rutakus Pixel TE which right now we have running on a code called Ventrino (http://www.ventrino.com/billing/aff.php?aff=478). We are using the full traffic exchange which when we started it we were using the co-op and just decided to change it. Great site for free traffic.

Our Traffic Exchange - Rutakus Pixel TE: https://www.rutakuspixel.com/

Lastly that little pixel site I was talking about earlier in this article/news post can be found at here http://teamjr.org and click on the “pixel ads” link to buy pixel ads as I will help my beautiful girlfriend get through college or our household survive while she is bettering her life. We believe in helping people better their lives. 3% goes to my company for hosting costs and processing orders. If the monthly income isn’t much we aren’t going to take any money out except what is taken out from payment processor fees.

Anyways, that it for the moment thanks for reading. Stay tuned later as we might be looking for forum moderators/staff soon. Side note we still doing a lot of back-end work on all of our network web sites and I’m currently the only employee at this time and I do work another job as well where I put in huge amount hours at this time.

Atomic PTC is now Reopened

 Mr.Ruste    18 Nov 2018

We are happy to be reopened.

We are happy to be reopened. For those that don’t and really it’s not important but I the owner was having health issues from my car accident injury and at the time with other life things getting in my way as well it was making it hard for me to reach my goals of making sure thing can still run when I’m having my issues. Now things are getting more in place but we ended up losing out dot info top level domain. Here is a Wikipedia for what a top level domain is . Now we are using the dot com which we know was previous owned by a scammer. But nothing I can do about that. Beside I’m trying to make it so we are the only ones with the brand. So I would have bought out the dot com too since the previous owner if doing anything with it. I would like to get the dot info one back but I’ll take it as a loss right now. I think the dot com will stay for Atomic PTC as Atomic PTC to me is my brand and I brought it as a dot info back with a prebuilt site running on Maderite scripts an aurora gpt script.

Anyways, so we are back and I had imported the most reach data from the previous database. Traffic Exchange and fixed ads are gone for the time being as they were purchased for the dot info top level domain for our beloved Atomic PTC. So at the moment I will be doing a lot of back end work so there might not be too much going on as I’m still in the process of import our older brother and my first PTC site Offers And Clicks. So I’m getting ready to open that one and also I now have a PTC site called Epic PTC and a traffic exchange called Rutakus Pixel TE. But I have more sites then that and I work a second job at the moment so time is tight for me to get things done like a design or not.

So please remember if you an old member meaning you have been a member since Atomic PTC was on atomicptc{dot}info (sorry not trying to give traffic to that domain as I want my domain back), you’re an old member you must request a new password. If can’t for whatever reason open a support ticket as public can use support ticket system in case someone want to buy ads but not sign up until we can get that feature purchased

Click here is you would like to join our site: https://www.atomicptc.com

Busy Busy life Lots of back end work

 Mr.Ruste    13 Nov 2018

So this is more of a test article as I'm troubleshooting out content construction kit or content builder in our back end because I posted an article earlier in the week or so and it isn't really showing up.

So this is more of a test article as I'm troubleshooting out content construction kit or content builder in our back end because I posted an article earlier in the week or so and it isn't really showing up. So as I've been busy with work on some of our other web sites and work at my other job, I haven't had the time to focus on this site. So our forums are offline until I troubleshoot that as well and we had a bit of a problem with a spammer too so now I might have to increase the spam protection a bit more like some of my other sites. Anyways, I just wanted to make this post for testing purposes as well as let you guys know what is going on with features being turn off and what not.