Mr.Ruste    13 Nov 2015

Site Work continues

Well, I know things are or seem a bit slow but there is a lot of work to do with the site. That's still the biggest reason why user regeneration's has not opened up yet. But I will be having a select few members here in a bit to help beta test some of the features and modules I have installed. One big feature is the store which has a lot of settings to mess around with in Drupal. For those that don't know Rutakus runs on Drupal core. Anyways you can extend the core with modules and one is the shopping cart/store module. We have also added some more functionality to the forums and added a bit better user profiles. I'm even going to test out a point system for your guys activity in the site. Technical, there is an update for one of our modules but I'm a bit reluctant to update it as it cause some issues with our site so I'm going to look into that a bit further. Also I'm test a badge feature to see how that work in building a small community. I think I may have mentioned it before but I have also added a bit of some back-end spam features and protection to try and prevent spam signs ups. But on most well ran web sites it barely noticeable. I have also added smileys that can be used in commenting on news or posting in the discussion forums. There are a few other feature but there is no guarantee what features we are going to keep or not, well just have to see once the beta testers and i test things out. The shopping cart is going to stay as well as the forum customization's i.e smileys and TinyMCE editor for easier formatting of your comments/forum posts LOL

Well thanks for reading, Stay tuned for more random news post blog stuff.

Oh new site coming soon: Dead Now

I will explain those later sorry. 

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services