Mr.Ruste    28 Jul 2018

So as some of you already have known we were having issues with one of our web servers which affect good part of our network which means we had some good amount of downtime.

So as some of you already have known we were having issues with one of our web servers which affect good part of our network which means we had some good amount of downtime. Things happen and we were a bit on the frustrated side and even after we still had some small amount of data loss which was on a personal site of the founder but not the big of a deal though we did have to redo some of stuff in Epic PTC which means we don’t have it opened up yet. So this news goes for all our sites and network. Well our company. As we are in the process of growing we are going to hit these road bumps. was up the whole time and is our suggested hosting as it is what we offer and invested in for the reseller account we got. Also hosted on our network is which is our creative label, publisher, craft/creative store, community, etc. But it’s not opened up yet. But the rest of our network was sadly down and we got up and working hard on getting things launch. We also like to say we have a couple of domains for sale too contact us by support ticket system:

Anyways, we don’t have any details to what went wrong on our server and we are always making backup plans just in case like having back up host and stuff which is why we are web host resellers. But we do know that it was a problem that slowly got worse and we need to do something or we were going to find a different solution. But we didn’t have to do that but we are still working on the last bit of making sure things work. And do want to say there is some data loss on my personal site that managed by my Rutakus and Epic PTC and pretty much some others. I lost traffic and views during this time. But we will gain back as we don’t plan on disappearing any time soon. Also if you guys come across any bugs or errors on any of the sites let us know via our support ticket system. Thank you for reading.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services