Mr.Ruste    11 Aug 2018

Well as you all or at least most of you can see our network websites and our company server is back online.

Well as you all or at least most of you can see our network websites and our company server is back online. I would like to thank Asura Hosting for all their hard work on getting things going though there was a lot of downtime. Everything on my side looks like it is running smoothly and at least on my side. If you run into issues with this server being down we do have an alternative email that is up to me 100% of time but nothing in this world is 100%. So the other email you can contact us if the server or any or our servers for that matter is

We will continue to watch and monitor the situation on our side and again we thank Asura Hosting for their hard work and continued support on our server issue. Hosting currently,, to help raise money to pay off student loan debit from my schooling and to also help get my girlfriend from school.,,,,, and my own personal site that is not for my business.


Brief update is coming up with a "Executing in an invalid environment for the supplied user" I'm in the process of figuring what is going on though Thank you guys for your patience.

This news item is from Rust Of All Trades / Rutakus Services