Our Store on our server now open

 Mr.Ruste    27 Jan 2019

Hello visitors, readers, and customer.

Hello visitors, readers, and customer. Thank you for visiting this news post for the Rutakus/Rust of All Trade company. So, we have done much with Rutakus web site lately as we be busy working on some of our other sites and some of our web site had bee moved to a new server. We actually are planning on moving all of our business web sites over to a new server in the next couple of months. All though we have been kind of working on bring the support forums back but hasn’t be high on our priority list.  I’m going to keep this short. More or less I just want to post and make you all aware that we have opened up our store page on our server. We still will operate our booth on Bonanza but we will have more stuff for sale on our own store that we find is more or a loss selling on third party sites like eBay and Bonanza’s i.e. the fees for selling on those sites. Not counting payment processing fees.

Our new own ran store located on our business server: https://store.rutakus.net/

Please note we are still doing a lot of back end work so if you have a issue please submit a support ticket here: https://support.rutakus.net/

Thanks for reading more updates coming soon.